International Peace Poster Contest
Every year, Lions clubs around the world proudly sponsor the Lions International Peace Poster Contest in local schools and youth groups. This art contest for kids encourages young people worldwide to express their visions of peace. For more than 25 years, millions of children from nearly 100 countries have participated in the contest.
The theme of the 2014-15 Peace Poster Contest is "Peace, Love and Understanding." Students, ages 11, 12 or 13 on November 15, are eligible to participate.
Posters are due the first Monday of November, judged and the winner from each school submitted to our District Governor. That winner receives $250 and the winner advances to our State of Texas contest. That lucky winner’s poster advances to International where the top prize is $3,000.
Lions Club International Peace Poster Site
This site has images of the winners for the past 23 years and recent Merit Award winners.
The theme of the 2014-15 Peace Poster Contest is "Peace, Love and Understanding." Students, ages 11, 12 or 13 on November 15, are eligible to participate.
Posters are due the first Monday of November, judged and the winner from each school submitted to our District Governor. That winner receives $250 and the winner advances to our State of Texas contest. That lucky winner’s poster advances to International where the top prize is $3,000.
Lions Club International Peace Poster Site
This site has images of the winners for the past 23 years and recent Merit Award winners.

Round Rock Noon Lions Club
2013-2014 Winning Poster
This poster went on to win the district competition for Texas District 2-S3
2013-2014 Winning Poster
This poster went on to win the district competition for Texas District 2-S3