Lions Clubs International Foundation
When a fire, hurricane, tsunami, or other disaster strikes anywhere in the world, LCIF is there to offer help. From Texas to Japan to New Zealand to Haiti, we are giving strength, resiliency and hope to those who have lost everything. The Foundation plays a major role in helping them get through the toughest times, and in rebuilding their lives.
Japan Earth Quake and Tsunami
Lions helped each other find strength and dignity amidst the destruction of Japan’s most powerful earthquake.
Joplin Missouri Tornado
A lady lost her home, but Lions were soon rolling up their sleeves to help. She worked alongside the Lions.
Australia Bushfires
Families lost everything, but were grateful for generosity from Lions after the 2009 Australian bushfires.
Empowering People with Disabilities
LCIF and Lions are helping people with disabilities to lead more independent, productive and fulfilling lives. Lions have built more than 1,000 handicap-accessible homes in partnership with Habitat for Humanity.
LCIF’s offers many other services including, ‘Clean Water Project’, ‘Opening Eyes’, ‘Respite Care Camp’, and meeting many other humanitarian needs by supporting the construction of homes for the disabled, providing vision screenings to Special Olympics athletes and combating measles.